baby, you can drive my car

November 30, 2013

my wife came back with our new car. We were happy with the “old” one but, alas, it was showing its age and it became expensive to maintain. Plus, the manufacturer would cease its production.  Although parts and service would still be available for more than a decade, we thought it was prudent to replace it and move on. It’s not an excuse to have another road trip.

turn that frown upside down

November 12, 2013

psychologists say that the act of smiling can change your mood.  As anyone that knows me can attest, I’m naturally grumpy – so much so that my son calls me a Grinch even if I’m not anti-Christmas (I’m not a big fan of carols though.) I’ve always believed that one needs to be true to one’s self but trying a “forced” smile is worth it to experience some happiness.

walk this way

November 10, 2013

i had trouble walking in Marion today – I was a bit unsteady.  I’m not sure if my physio is paying dividend and I’m unconsciously trying to break my old and bad habits.  In any case, I should be vigilant as to the underlying cause.

dark clouds gather

November 9, 2013

a severe typhoon hit the centre of the Philippines and they’re still recovering from a major earthquake.  Thankfully no one I knew was physically hurt – unfortunately, there was some property damage.

hard habit to break

November 8, 2013

i was busy recently with my ethics application and our road trip to the Great Ocean Road – that’s why I haven’t been posting anything.  Unfortunately, when you pause something it’s not always easy to resume what you did before.  That said, you need to jump-start it to get into the groove of old habits.